All About The Dark Princess...
Dark Princess Theatre is a Horror Hosting/Live Interactive Event/Multimedia/Performing Troupe centered around the misadventures and murderous intentions of the undead Lady Gwendolyn and her house full of monsters. Performing in the Chattanooga, TN area but primarily located in the little known town of Ashwood. Don't worry, you've probably never been there. If you have, you probably wouldn't be reading this. Not with your eyes anyway. No. They wouldn't be your eyes anymore.
Dark Princess Theatre is a Horror Hosting/Live Interactive Event/Multimedia/Performing Troupe centered around the misadventures and murderous intentions of the undead Lady Gwendolyn and her house full of monsters. Performing in the Chattanooga, TN area but primarily located in the little known town of Ashwood. Don't worry, you've probably never been there. If you have, you probably wouldn't be reading this. Not with your eyes anyway. No. They wouldn't be your eyes anymore.